About Me

I am an undergraduate Computer Science major at Columbia University. Here are some of my interests:

Web Development

I have worked with AWS backend technologies and Node.js. Services include user authentication, automated emailing and content management.

GitHub GitHub

Web Design

As a freelance web developer, I have experience with HTML, CSS, and JS, along with frameworks like React, Next, and Bootstrap.


On my blog, I write popular science articles and occasional memoirs. I also post programming tutorials.



I play trumpet, piano, and guitar and occassionally dabble in arranging. Check out my arrangements on Musescore.

Big and Mini logo

Big & Mini

Bridging the generation gap through voice and video calls.

Dallas 311

Connecting Dallas residents with the information they need. (Official City of Dallas Alexa Skill)


A personal blog, covering topics like psychology, economics, and productivity.

Get in touch

I'd love to work together on some projects sometime.